Bailey's shoe boxes
Shortly before Christmas we received the following message:

"... my son Bailey has been very poorly, he has spent 12 years fighting cancer. During our endless stays at Great Ormond street hospital, during which time we came across many homeless... most lovely and all have a story to tell...
Last year Bailey asked if we could take some some boxes up to London... they included chocolate , hats, gloves, socks etc.. many had dogs, so we did boxes for those too!!
This year we plan to do the same and asked face book for a few extra!!
As you can see!!! We have loads!!
We need more than a car!
I was wondering if we could hire a mini bus.. I'm not working due to still having to be there for my son.. But hoping to get enough together... could you help"
We responded in the only we we felt we could when faced with such a lovely gesture from Bailey, by offering one of our vans for free. As you can see from the feedback below; it made quite a difference!
My mum got to use a mini bus for our Christmas delivery to the homeless (she didn't drive it, she's a terrible driver)
But thank you to St. Albans van hire . It was a very smart bus.
My mum said mark was lovely and kind and the others too.
- Bailey Sarwa
Thanks for picking up and delivering the shoe boxes for the homeless. You have helped make Christmas for many people a lot more comfortable.
- S Hughes
A huge thank you for lending Becki a van to deliver the boxes to the homeless people in London. People like Becki make a huge difference to people's life's and with generosity from local businesses such as yourselves, a real difference has been made. Happy Christmas to you all and I wish you a very prosperous 2016.
- Samantha Langston
Thank you for making a difference this Christmas. You guys are amazing xx
- Kim Price
Very grateful to St Albans Van hire who allowed us to use a van for FREE for a newly formed Facebook group
'Random Acts of Kindness' to use to deliver donated gifts for the homeless.. They were very helpful and for coming and eager to help a local group for a very worthy cause and without the use of the van would have made it very difficult for us to be able to achieve giving out over 100 parcels to the homeless .. So our heartfelt thanks to all concerned
- Niki Henry
Really great guys who gave a van to help with delivering Christmas presents to the homeless and elderly.
- Jo Stewart
Amazing generosity from St. Albans van hire for our yearly trip to hand Christmas boxes to the homeless... Makes our trip hassle free with the free lend of a van...Friendly helpful staff... 5*
- Michelle
I've used St Albans Van Hire a few times now, good prices and friendly and efficient service, we like this very much!
It was great to hear they supported the homeless gifts for Christmas collection by providing a van to bring the presents free of charge. Lovely to see a local business putting back into the community, and it's great to support a local business by giving them our business too :)
- Claire Boyles
Posted on January 4th 2016