Talented garden design student Judy Shardlow has won a coveted show garden at BBC Gardeners World Live

Talented garden design student Judy Shardlow has won a coveted show garden at BBC Gardeners World Live, which takes place in Birmingham next month. The show, which attracts over 100,000 visitors over five days, is hosted by gardening celebrities including Monty Don, Carol Klein, Joe Swift and Rachel de Thame.
The main attraction is the show gardens, which this year include a category called ‘Beautiful Borders’. These creatively planted raised beds are designed to inspire budding gardeners, showing what can be achieved in a small space, as well as giving the opportunity for new garden designers to compete. This year 20 garden designers, from all over the country, were short-listed for the opportunity to create an attractive garden space that represents an aspect of Birmingham.
Judy’s design takes inspiration from Birmingham’s iconic building The Cube, an impressive structure on the city’s skyline. She explained: “The Cube is located in what was Birmingham’s jewellery and metalworking quarter and the building celebrates that heritage. My garden uses metallic coloured grasses and vibrant jewel coloured plants set against a laser-cut copper screen to recreate the famous façade of the building.”
Judy currently runs a company, Heartwood Garden Coaching, from her home in Wheathampstead and studies garden design part-time at Capel Manor College. She explained: “I heard in March that I had been chosen to re-create my idea at the show and I was delighted. It’s a lot of work and I would not have been able to get there without help from the wonderful team at St Albans Van and Car Hire. They are sponsoring me so that I can get all my plants up to the show! I’m also very lucky to get plant sponsorship from online plant retailer Crocus who are providing the plants, some of which have been grown for the Chelsea Flower Show.”
The show runs from 12-15thJune at the NEC, Birmingham and more information can be found at www.bbcgardenersworldlive.com
Posted on June 2nd 2014