St. Albans Car and Van Hire in the New Greens area
New Greens is in the constituency of St. Albans, and only a few minutes’ drive from St. Albans Centre, with direct bus routes.
The area’s local primary school – Margaret Wix Primary School, has a good Ofsted rating, with high achievement and quality of teaching. There is also the mixed Garden Fields Primary and Infants Schools, and Heathfields School – a special school for children aged 3 – 16. Just over a mile away, is the independent school, St. Albans High School for girls, founded in 1889. The Independent Schools Inspectorate gave a glowing report for this school in January 2011, rating all aspects of the High School as excellent.
Toulmin Drive Recreation Ground is also not far from the area, with a number of grass pitches available for football, cricket, tennis etc – ideal for use by local teams wanting to hire a van or car from St. Albans Car and Van Hire and take a team along to train and practise, or even to host a competition.
In close proximity to the New Greens area, is the Pioneer Skate Park – a great day out for the kids (and adults), with an indoor area with ramps to suit all abilities, as well as an outdoor area with two mini ramps. The skate park is ideal for those wanting to learn how to skateboard, as well as those who already have some experience. Lessons are available, as are party packages – ideal if you want to hire a car from St. Albans Car and Van Hire to take a group of excitable children to have a go – or adults of course! Luckily, St. Albans City Hospital is only a few minutes’ drive from the New Greens area, so not far to go if there’s a little accident at the skate park!
Posted on September 23rd 2014