Welcome to our brand new Website!

I recently told you all about the exciting move to the new bigger and better yard, as soon as that move happened I set our web developers at Sonder Digital (formerly Open Door Internet) a challenge to make our website just as impressive.
I can report that they have been busy bees indeed and have done a fantastic job! The first thing you may notice is they have freshened up the design of the site so it now looks much more open and less blocky. They have also tweaked all the images we use on the site giving the site a much cleaner look.
What’s even more impressive is they have made the site ‘responsive’ which I am reliably informed means whether you viewing on an iPad, iPhone, a tablet or a smartphone the website will display the page in a way that best fits the size of the screen you are viewing on. I don’t know about you, but I think that's very impressive!
As always we welcome your feedback and if there is any part of the website that you don’t like or will not display correctly on your specific device, or maybe you want to tell us you love the new site then please do email us and we will happily pass your comments on to our web developers.
Posted on May 20th 2013